Word Generation Vocabulary Test
The Word Generation Vocabulary Test is a paper and pencil assessment, which takes 15 - 45 minutes to complete. It evaluates whether students are acquiring the words that are explicitly taught in the Word Generation curriculum. It’s a measure of the effectiveness of the curriculum.
Tests are developed by researchers using the focus words in the Word Generation curriculum.
Video: A Closer Look at the Assessment
Catherine Snow explains:
assessment tells whether or not a student learned the words that were explicitly taught in the curriculum
Erin Ruegg shares:
assessment is being developed and we are not sure exactly how many minutes it will take for students to complete • the results can be informative as to where extra attention may be given for an entire class; individual results may not be as useful
This site was originally prepared for districts and teachers who partnered with us throughout the project. While we have updated the text, many of the videos included on this site were prepared during the launch of the study. Although the project has come to a close, we are keeping the site and related videos available for those who are interested to learn more about the project.
The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305F100026 to the Strategic Education Research Partnership as part of the Reading for Understanding Research Initiative. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education.
CCDD TEAMStrategic Education Research Partnership • 1100 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1310 • Washington, DC 20036
serpinstitute.org • info@serpinstitute.org • (202) 223-8555
Word Generation Vocabulary Test
The Word Generation Vocabulary Test is a paper and pencil assessment, which takes 15 - 45 minutes to complete. It evaluates whether students are acquiring the words that are explicitly taught in the Word Generation curriculum. It’s a measure of the effectiveness of the curriculum.
Tests are developed by researchers using the focus words in the Word Generation curriculum.
sample items
Video: A Closer Look at the Assessment
Catherine Snow explains:
assessment tells whether or not a student learned the words that were explicitly taught in the curriculum
Erin Ruegg shares:
assessment is being developed and we are not sure exactly how many minutes it will take for students to complete • the results can be informative as to where extra attention may be given for an entire class; individual results may not be as useful
Catalyzing Comprehension through Discussion and Debate (CCDD)